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By dathwerth
#90064 Hello,
I have an ESP2866-12F connected with a button (RST+GND). In the setup() method, I have programmed a delay of 5 seconds and then go to deep sleep.
Everything works fine, except I have to press the button 2 times in order to start running.

In Arduino IDE > Serial Monitor:
1. Output for the first time I press the button:
Code: Select all14:18:28.406 ->  ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(3,6)

2. Output for the second time I press the button:
Code: Select all14:18:33.912 ->  ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(3,6)
14:18:33.912 ->
14:18:33.912 -> load 0x4010f000, len 3584, room 16
14:18:33.912 -> tail 0
14:18:33.912 -> chksum 0xb0
14:18:33.912 -> csum 0xb0
14:18:33.912 -> v2843a5ac
14:18:33.912 -> ~ld
14:18:33.980 -> Hello World! It is running!

I want to avoid press the button 2 times. Can someone help me to identify why it is happening? Thank you very much and Happy new year!