ESP8266 Webserver Project

Moderator: Sprite_tm

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By Sprite_tm
#9108 Picstart: First of all, make sure you get the code from the repo mentioned in my first post; that's where the 'official' codebase lives. For example, there's no 'wifi.c' file there, I don't know where you get that from.

At the moment, static configuration of IPs isn't possible yet: for AP mode, it comes up as; for station mode it comes up as whatever the DHCP server gives it. I'm not sure if there's enough need for non-DHCP environments to support static IPs, to be honest, but if you really want it, I'm always open to patches ;)
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By martonmiklos
Sprite_tm wrote:martonmiklos: That may be a nice option. I don't think many people ae going to see it, but I'd like to have people at least not flabberghasted when they try to test the http server using 'telnet 80'.

I am done with this modification.

Just one more question: I would be able to generate different error page for html and javascript. Would it make sense for you to generate different "fallback" content for javascript with an alert("Your browser have not sent Accept-Encoding: gzip header"); or just enough to think about the telnet users and serve the same message for all file types.
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By Sprite_tm
martonmiklos wrote:Just one more question: I would be able to generate different error page for html and javascript. Would it make sense for you to generate different "fallback" content for javascript with an alert("Your browser have not sent Accept-Encoding: gzip header"); or just enough to think about the telnet users and serve the same message for all file types.

My guess is that there aren't much browsers (or humans) that can interpret javascript but can't decode gzipped content; one reply sounds like enough to me.
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By platforma
#9356 Could I quickly confirm something with people familiar with building SDK and esp-httpd:

This firmware builds with the 0.9.5 version of the SDK?
Aside from the esp-open-sdk project that pulls the official sdk and compiles the xtensa toolchan, and all those tools, include and lib directory, pointed to in the Makefile, do I need anything else to build?

I seem to be missing something and make refuses to build.