I've the ESP8266-01, firmware 0018000902-AI03.
Some days ago I was working on it, tring to set, connect to the router, and ecc...
I've commited a mistake using AT+CWSAP instead of AT+CWJAP command, so i create a AP with the same SSID of my router.
I couldn't see the AP on the network list...I've understand the problem and I fixed it with the command
AT +CWSAP=<ssid>,<pwd>,<chl>,<ecn>...now I can see the AP but I can't connect to it.
I've tried to found the problem but nothing...the only thing I presumed is the problem is about DHCP...because it response me ERROR with every AT+CWDHCP=<mode>,<en> command...
So I can't connect to the AP created with the ESP...can someone help me?
Thanks in advance