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By jtburgess
#93131 I've been trying to upgrade my entire system to the latest:
Arduino 1.8.16, ESP core 3.0 2, DallasTemperature 3.9.0
checking to make sure my project works after each change.

BUT when I upgrade OneWire from 2.3.0 to 2.3.6, it stops seeing any sensors.
Downgrade again and everything works. Something is wrong.
Any ideas? As I said, I made ONE change, and one change back.
What is it about the newer OneWire libraries???

PS I've also tried 2.3.1 ... 2.3.5 in the past with identical results.
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By rpiloverbd
#93707 I also came across this tutorial regarding temperature monitoring using ESP8266 and DS18B20. ... 18b20.html
Surprisingly, this tutorial has also used D4 pin. But they have mentioned that any other I/O pin can be used. Have you succeeded using any other pin?