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By medisonmiss
#93138 Hi,

I am working on a project with NodeMCU, I have completed the project, you can say a prototype. Now, I want to convert this prototype into a product, so want to design this PCB board.

I have read online that NodeMCU is an open-source board, so can someone please give me the link to download its PCB design files. I want to remove few components to reduce the power consumption.

One related question, as here guys must have worked on PCB boards. I am thinking of using the rigid board for the NodeMCU and flexible PCB for the sensors. So, it will be a Flex-Rigid board. Is it a good option or should I work on the complete rigid PCB. Few pros and cons from the professionals, who has practically worked on rigid flex PCB.

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By rpiloverbd
#93156 Hello,
You know NodeMCU has many versions. You can join the grabcad community to get schematics and PCB footprints of different versions.
This video may also help you:
Flex PCB is useful but it has a disadvantage. It is very costly. If you can afford the cost, it can be the best option in R and D. You can visit contact RayPCB. They fabricate and assemble flex PCBs up to 8 layers.