- Thu Jan 13, 2022 11:06 am
AI-thinker makes the PCB and assembles it. It does not contain much more than an ESP8266 plus a flash chip. AI-thinker does
not make the base of the firmware (the SDK), that's done by Espressif. AI-thinker couldn't, even it wanted to, as the low-level-hardware specifications of the ESP8266 are secret. You cannot avoid using the (closed source) SDK code from Espressif. And
there is where the problems are. AI-thinker has no role here.
In the case of an Atmel or Microchip you'd have the full low-level-hardware specifications so you would not need third-party code, that's how it's supposed to be (in my opinion).
And I never said you can't or should not use ESP8266. I said it's a consideration with pro's and con's. If you want something that's the hardware should be capable of, but it's not presented by the Espressif SDK code, you will never be able to use it, you'll hit a brick wall. Believe me, there are enough people that tried (and got frustrated because Espressif really doesn't care).
Many of these issues can be worked around and I made it my hobby. I think it's sort of fun. But if you get frustrated easily, don't go that path. And really, I am not talking of the arduino and at-firmware level...