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By ESPgomi
#93493 Hello I have a ESP8266 CH340 version. I want to put my usb 2.0 keyboard to my chip and send pressed characters.
I made a simple usb socket which directily passes GND,3V3, D+,D- to board. I do not think this will work. I seen they use extra board which contains chip which converts pulses for ESP8266.

I seen one on this page:

also I seen something for KB but I do not know if I can use this with ESP8266 or Idk what's that:

Are there any onther options?

Thanks. :mrgreen:
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By ESPgomi
rpiloverbd wrote:Here is also an elaborate video if you want to make Wifi keyboard and mouse:

Alright video looks like hours length. I guess that passes keyboard data trough network and sends to the device. That's a good idea. In my case I need a cable connection.