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By Sprudeldude
#94340 Hi!

I had this nodemcu laying around and wanted to start on a PID project.
I tried connecting it to my Windows 11 computer with Arduino IDE.
I've installed the necessary drivers and board manager packets, but can't seem to upload anything to it.

Arduino responds:
Code: Select allesptool.FatalError: Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header

The serial monitor responds when i press the RST button:

Code: Select all ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(7,4)

waiting for host

I also can't seem to update the firmware using the NodeMcu Flasher.
But the blue led on top of the kit blinks when i try to update or upload anything, so i guess it's not dead.

Anything somebody can help me with?

Thanks in advance!
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By Inq720
#94373 Don't know if this will help or not...
There are some boards (very few) that require you to press the "boot" button when the upload starts.
Also... if you have wiring on it... there are many pins, that if you have them wired can cause troubles.