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By Inq720
#94433 Windows recognizes the CP2102 without having to add the driver. There have been a couple of other people experiencing the same problem... a couple with Windows 11. I don't recall any of them offering a found solution. You might do a search and try to contact them directly. Its a little odd... I have never seen it being recognized in the Device Manager (CP2102 or CH34) and NOT selectable in Arduino IDE.

I tried Windows 11 and there were a couple of things they took out... I reverted back to 10, so I can't help you if that ends up being the issue.
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By korbin.dallas
#94437 Same issue with a Windows 10 PC. Plugging and unplugging the MCU toggles on and off the CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller under the Other Devices category. This time it includes the warning that the drivers for this device cannot be found. This was on a fresh out of the bag ESP8266MOD board so I'm now wondering if these boards, from Amazon, are defective in some way. I can order a couple more from Sparkfun this time and see.
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By korbin.dallas
#94438 I found the answer looking at the reviews from other buyers of this board on Amazon. It required installing the SILABS CP210x USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP). Once installed a new COM port showed up and IDE connected to the MCU.

Life is good again..