The extension is in JavaScript, and I'm basing it on an existing extension (GitHub) that was written to send measurements to ThingSpeak.
The good news is that I can connect to my WiFi OK. But connecting to the web app is a problem.
One tricky bit (to me, anyway) is how to code the string for the AT+CIPSEND= command.
The original code has:
GET /update?api_key=" + write_api_key + "&field1=" + n1
Because I don't have an api key I assumed I could change this to
string = "GET /?field1=" + n1
But that's not working. Any ideas please?
I've also started getting errors following my
sendAT("AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"" + url + "\",80", 0)
My serial log shows this message back from ESP8266:
17:03:56.220 AT+CIPSTART="TCP","",80^M
17:03:56.230 IP ERROR
17:03:56.231 ERROR
I'd appreciate any tips on how to debug. I have a USB-TTL gadget (a PL2303 device). Should I try using it with a serial terminal rather than with code perhaps?