btidey wrote:I think the problem is with the choice of regulator. The HT7133 is a low power regulator designed to supply currents up to about 30mA. The ESP8266 modules require a powering with something that can supply 500mA peak although the average operating current is about 80mA.
There are a number of regulators that will do the job. I normally use XC6303
I measured the current draw peaks at 85 mA. I used a breadboard power supply at 3.3V and it didn't work same as in with the battery. Only able to work at 5V. Isn't it supposed to work at 3.3V with HT7133 I will try another regulator. HT7133 is the only LDO I could find. Do you think somethink like LD1117V33 3.3V would work fine with the battery?