I have 4-5 ESP8266s with small OLED and Sensors reading data. In the future the # of ESPs with sensor/screen can potentially grow up to 12-15.
I want to communicate with these ESPs from a single hub (Raspberry Pi or ESP32 still t.b.d.). Measurement data from ESP to Hub, commands from Hub to ESPs.
Communication layer wise, WiFi is not an option so the ESPs will be hardwired to the central hub.
I am not a big electronics guy, I know how to rig my ESPs with sensors, displays, etc. and program them using Arduino IDE or MicroPython. But this communication over wire is new for me. Is this something where I2C or SPI can play a role?
Any help/guidance on how I could make this work would be great.
If it could work with MQTT as protocol on top would even be more awesome. But sending/receiving messages in any structure is helpful as well.