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By vazquezjm
#9694 Hi there!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

This is what I want to do: create a sensors/actuators network using ESP8266 modules.

I started using RPi <-> nRF <-> Arduino, but now I want to do this: RPi <-> ESP8266 <-> Arduino

The problem is, I don't know where to start :(

I read many tutorials, watch YT videos, but I can not make a decision on how the architecture should be or which part will be doing what. I just want to send commands to an Arduino board (turn on/off things, sense temp, etc.) and get a result back to the RPi using a web application accesible from inside my LAN or from the Internet.

Those are pretty much all the requirements.

Thanks for your help!
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By villTech
#9709 simply check how esp8266 communicates to arduino, and how esp will send data to a webservice..
and take out your nrf in the system, and replace with esp8266.
nothing complicated.
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By alonewolfx2
#9725 You can use raspberry as a mqtt broker and nodemcu - mqtt client for esp8266. Or
You can use raspberry as a webserver like thingspeak and esp as a Web client, or
You can use raspberry as a Web service provider and esp as well client. Mostly you don't need arduino.
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By vazquezjm
#9732 Thanks for the replies guys!

I read about using just the ESP without the Arduino. The thing is, how do I connect sensors and actuators to it? I know it has 2 GPIO ports (I have the ESP-01 version), but I want to control 3 relays, sense temperature and AC voltage from one node. Is this feasible using just an ESP board?

In the case I can connect each individual sensor/actuator to one ESP, I need at least one DAC (for voltage sensor), right?

Otherwise, I need the Arduino to handle sensors/actuators connection and some logic and the ESP just for wireless communication with the RPi.