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By volax
#2284 Hi!

I've just flashed my ESP-01 (090) with electrodragon's 0.922 firmware via CP2101 USB to TTL converter.
Wiring: ESP VCC, CH_PD => USBTTL 3.3V; ESP GND, GPIO0 => USBTTL GND; ESP UTXD => USBTTL RXD; ESP UTRD => USBTTL TXD (everything connected without resistors).

After successful flashing (both XTCOM on Windows and on Linux works fine!), I can't connect to device neither @9600, nor @115200.

Am I doing right with removing LOW from GPIO0 and HIGH from CH_PD for normal operation after flashing? Can I leave them unconnected?
Should I reset device someway or just turn it off and on again?
Do I need to use external 3.3V? Whether power sources should have common ground?

I would be glad to any suggestions!

Last edited by volax on Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By RichardS
#2292 Bad power supply seems to be a lot of peoples issues!

You need a good string 300-400mA for sure...

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By CheapB
admin wrote:Bad power supply seems to be a lot of peoples issues!

You need a good string 300-400mA for sure...


+1 it is somewhat unpredictable what issues you see with an insufficient power-supply. just make sure you have enough juice as you develop and you can test how much you can scale back when everything is working.