I've just flashed my ESP-01 (090) with electrodragon's 0.922 firmware via CP2101 USB to TTL converter.
Wiring: ESP VCC, CH_PD => USBTTL 3.3V; ESP GND, GPIO0 => USBTTL GND; ESP UTXD => USBTTL RXD; ESP UTRD => USBTTL TXD (everything connected without resistors).
After successful flashing (both XTCOM on Windows and esptool.py on Linux works fine!), I can't connect to device neither @9600, nor @115200.
Am I doing right with removing LOW from GPIO0 and HIGH from CH_PD for normal operation after flashing? Can I leave them unconnected?
Should I reset device someway or just turn it off and on again?
Do I need to use external 3.3V? Whether power sources should have common ground?
I would be glad to any suggestions!