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By aterentiev
#3099 Yes, thank you. The picture is enough for me to understand. I wonder why the reset is working, because through these pads the reset pin is connected to the gpio16 pad...
Anyway I'll test is too when I have them.
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By martinayotte
#3105 According to schematic, the pads seems to be the resistor between pin32 and pin 8 of the chip, so, normal behavoir should be that GPIO16 drive the XPD_DCDC and if we wish also to connect it to EXT_RSTB, we need to add this resistor on the pads.
ESP-03.jpg (35.27 KiB) Viewed 3960 times
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By alonewolfx2
#3239 thoose pads connects gpio16 and reset pin. i soldered thoose pin and tried sleep mode and its perfectly working :)
deepsleep power state is 0.038-0.043 ma mean 38-43 µa on esp-03 :D
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By ranhaber
alonewolfx2 wrote:thoose pads connects gpio16 and reset pin. i soldered thoose pin and tried sleep mode and its perfectly working :)
deepsleep power state is 0.038-0.043 ma mean 38-43 µa on esp-03 :D

Do you mean the jumper near VCC and GPIO14?
Did you used a resistor or just a wire?