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Moderator: igrr

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By vtraveller
#31519 When I've finished what I'm doing. I need to make sure I'm not being stupid and just using the library wrong.

Using similar names to the existing SD.h and then relying on namespaces seems like a bad design idea to me. I'd have assumed it was to allow existing code to swap over, but as the APIs aren't identical that presumption doesn't seem quite right either.

I need to look deeper. What I posted is however a decent workaround.
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By martinayotte
#31527 Don't hesistate to discuss/chat with IGRR since he had plan to do something like to avoid having SPIFFS and SdFat coming in conflicts each other. But I think it is simply that he doesn't have much time so it was low in his priorities.
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By march_seven
martinayotte wrote:That is the commit done 4 days ago, it is merged.
Maybe there are no conflict between FS.h and SD.h, but SdFat is a completely different library, much more better than the old SD.
But the issues is having both FS.h and SdFat.h included, there still some clash of having 2 kind of "File" class definitions, the one from SPIFFS is tiny, and the other provided much more to support FAT filesystem.
Probably IGRR will need to look at it ... :?

Hi you are discuss this topic in adruino。

do you know how to init spiffs in RTOS,when first using?
i mean how to set the flash address , i using ESP-01 1MB flash IC