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By sakibnaz
#36709 Hi All.

I have a project where I need to connect my project PCB to two Access Points. Is it possible to use ESP8266 Module act as a dual STA so it can connect to two AP. My need is like below:

User1 --- WiFi AP1 <---> WiFi Module based PCB <---> WiFi AP2 --- User2

I need the WiFi Module connect to both AP1 and AP2 so User1 and User2 can do File Transfer.

Is it feasible?

Thanks in advance.

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By sakibnaz
#36733 Hi.

Thanks for reply.

If I use two ESP Module ... then one as STA can connect to WiFi AP1 and other as STA can connect to WiFi AP2. Then two Module will have available AP Modes. How to connect that two ESP AP's?

Actually I am looking for a way using a single WiFi Module which can connect to two different AP's (at at time) and make internal routing. So Clients under both AP's can communicate each other.

Do you know any other Module can do that?

Thanks in advance.

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By martinayotte
#36736 First, it is impossible for the two ESP AP to connect each other, APs are not connected to anything, they waiting for STAs to connect.
As I said, I doubt you will ever find such devices on the market, there are no needs for that.
Maybe you can explain in more details what you are trying to do, maybe even with diagram, because it is not obvious.
So, if 2 ESPs together is not a solution, maybe a RaspberryPi (or other small Linux board) with 2 Wifi USB dongles and iptables foward rules will be another solution. But again, I need details of the goal.

Edit : when I'm asking you details, it is because even with you first description, the case is not obvious. Do you mean that any users on left side can do file transfer to any of the users on right side ? Networking isn't so simple, bridging two networks can becomes a mess if not handle with proper routes and iptables rules. If User1 and User2 is an hardcoded path, the the 2 ESP solution can still be apply, but it is NOT a network bridge, it is a Serial bridge between to networks.
(In other words, User1 can not ping User2)