- Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:12 pm
I apologise for what is probably a simple question. I have (what I believe to be) a model 2 board (LED near the antenna). Now, I have connected the Vcc and GND to my 3.3v regulated PSU. I have connected also connected CH_PD to VCC. UTXD is going to RX on the TTL and URXD is going to TX on the TTL. All is connected and switched on. I am able to see the ESP wireless access point signal and my TTL is reporting as COM4 on my Windows 7 computer. I have also tried connecting the GND pin of the TTL to the GND of the PSU.
I open Terminal, with a Baud Rate of 115200, Data Bits 8, Stop Bits 1. Connect and I do not get anything response from the ESP (I have tried powering on and off the device).
The TTL works fine it I jumper the RX and TX together (echo).
Any help / pointers very much obliged.
Thank you in advance,
Harold Clements
Kind Regards,
Harold Clements
ICQ: 621094716