ulko wrote:In existing user_config.h there is my ssid + PW but still says: 'no MYAP found'??
Edit the file C:\Espressif\examples\esphttpd\include\user_config.h in such a form:
#ifndef __USER_CONFIG_H__
#define __USER_CONFIG_H__
#define WIFI_CLIENTSSID "MYAP" <----------------- Edit
#define WIFI_CLIENTPASSWORD "00000000" <----------------- Edit
#define WIFI_AP_NAME "ESP8266"
#define WIFI_AP_PASSWORD "00000000"
#define PLATFORM_DEBUG true <----------------- Debug log enable
After flashing the ESP in the console terminal you should see these messages:
ESP8266 in STA mode configured.
Wi-Fi mode: STATION
STA config: SSID: MYAP, PASSWORD: 00000000
Httpd init, conn=0x3ffeac84
You see these messages?