CSPI can be used with RTOS.
So CSPI is the interface used for flash? And HSPI is the other SPI on GPIO12/13/14/15?
GPIO01 must be high during normal boot
Do you mean GPIO0? Because GPIO1 is U0TX. According to Page 11:
1. GPIO2, GPIO0, and MTDO are used to select booting mode and the SDIO mode;
Edit: If GPIO0 is used for boot mode selection and GPIO1 (U0TXD) is used for programming then I don't really see a possibility to connect another device to this SPI if there is no way to use other GPIOs for CS.
You could map the debug out to a different pin if you wanted to use the other CS for another device.
But programming always has to happen through U0TX/U0RX - right? Or am I wrong with that?
Don't know about using NOR.
Okay, nevermind. I thought all SPI flash is NOR-based